If you are in your 20s or above, then you are mature enough to know about money. See, we all know that Money is the need of the hour and it is also one of the most precious things in the world. So you should use it wisely and carefully.
I was reading an article about money, and so I thought to share it with you. Some of these facts might be known to you.
Facts about money:
1. Money doesn’t grow in your almirah locker – People have a habit of keeping money in their almirah rather than keeping it in the banks. See, what bank do is that they not only protect our money but also adds to it, I mean interest. It is extra on our principal amount.

2. Proper use of it – Youngsters nowadays are so much into shopping that they end up buying things they don’t need actually. They should avoid unnecessary costs and start saving and before swiping they should pause for a moment and think that they need it or not.

3. Investment -One thing, which everyone should do from their early 20’s, which I regret not doing. I am not saying you to invest in shares in the first place, I strongly advised before going for any investment you should gain knowledge and advice from concerned financial professionals but what you can do is that go for government bonds, provident funds, pension plans these are not so risky
4. Good credit score– A good credit score is important. If, you are planning to take a loan in the future. A good rating says that you are a trustworthy person and will pay your dues on time. People who don’t have a good credit score face difficulties in loan processing. One piece of advice, try not to miss your monthly bank bills as they affect your credit score.
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5. Forecasting– The future is unpredictable. We can’t predict it so at least we should prepare for it. We don’t know what may happen the next moment. So, we should keep aside some amount of money to deal with emergencies. Try to keep at least 10% of your salary/ profit aside for uncertainties and emergencies.

I hope this article was helpful to you. I tried my best to explain the topic. please forgive me if I have missed anything or if you find anything incorrect. Feel free to correct me in the comment section and also share your view about the article.