Is Being Available Make The Relationships Strong?

Is Being Available Make The Relationships Strong?

What makes relationships strong? Is it the trust, commitment or honesty, you may have hear about them earlier, but there is one more thing. This too makes relationship strong and genuine, boundaries. You hear me right, boundaries do make relationship strong, authentic to be precise. By relationships, I imply to every kind of it. Parents,…

5 things about friendship, I came to know about

5 things about friendship, I came to know about

Friendship is hard to explain. Every day, we make a few; we break some. Some are for ages, and some don’t last a year as well. Individuals with the same ideas and culture make friends.   Friendship has its own course. We connect with people similar to us. Sometimes, it depends on status and society too. It’s easier to make friends in their own community. Friendship is a blessing, Yet some…