Does thinking about Public speaking get you butterflies in your stomach? Sometimes, it does get tough, if you are not prepared or when the crowd is not known. The best thing to do here is to keep calm and not lose focus. But, It becomes really challenging, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t avoid the nervousness. For some, avoiding it is the best option. But Does it really help? See, avoiding it is not a solution, some days you got to face it.
Running away from it or making lame excuses will not help you. Sometimes, they do but not always. You don’t realize that public speaking is one of the most essential skills to have. It is not only for leaders or mentors, it is for everyone. You are speaking at a conference or you are reciting a poem, you need public speaking. It is required everywhere, from school to college, from jobs to professional life, you have to speak to people. So be prepared for it.
You can’t be pro in a day nor anyone else can. It requires your time and hard work. You can’t finish a book in a day, you got to read it every day. Public Speaking is the same, you have to practice each and every day. You got to be consistent to learn the art of public speaking.

Here are a few tips
1.Get your audience involved – A common mistake one makes is to not involve the audience. How can you say that your audience is with you until you test it? Ask them questions, make it a two-way communication. Don’t make them feel bored or left out. Don’t do all the talking yourselves.
2.Question and answer session – Public speakers have the habit of hooking their audience, either with a question or a story. It’s a good thing to keep the audience curious. They will be with you throughout the presentation, Just to know the answer or the end of the story. Asking questions in between the presentation and answering others, make the speech interesting.
3.Keep it short and simple– No matter what you are talking about, keep it simple and short. Avoid using complex terms, as your audience is not sitting with a dictionary.
4.Show some energy – Don’t just stand there and read the slides, people are not here for the slides. They are for you, you have to be full of energy and action. You can’t sound dull or tired. Public speaking is all about confidence and energy, and if you lack it, no one will listen to you. Move around the stage, use your hands, keep steady eye contact with your audience and show them some energy.
5.Be positive– Looking positive and happy is very important while speaking. You can’t let negative emotions surround you, You have to look and sound positive. Nobody hears a negative person, it makes them negative too. To sound positive, you got to be positive too, you can’t act being it.
Conclusion- Being a great public speaker takes time and patience. So don’t lose hope or give up, practice daily and follow the above steps, ask questions, involve your audience and keep your speech simple and clear, and don’t forget the smile.
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