Are you true to yourselves and do you know about self-awareness?
Self-awareness is knowing who we actually are because no one knows you better than yourselves. Nowadays, we hide our feelings and emotions from others. We pretend to be something else from what we actually are. To know yourselves better, you need to spend some time with yourselves. Do you think hiding it or lying is going to help? No, I don’t think so. it rather make matters worse.
How self-awareness helps
As a human, we have this habit of lying, but the matter becomes worse when we lie to yourselves. Self-awareness is taking some time and talking to oneself. If you keep on lying to yourselves, it is not going to help nor you are going to find any solutions. Those who don’t practice self-awareness can’t improve themselves. They will keep on lying to themselves.
Image by Anemone123 from Pixabay
How to start self awareness-First thing First, take a deep breath and relax. Next, take a pen and paper and start writing, what do you think about yourselves? what are your good habits, what are the bad ones, what are your weaknesses and strengths, and what do you want to achieve in life? Write the answers, which come up in your mind randomly, and be honest with yourself.
Accept who you are– The toughest job is to accept yourselves and who you are actually. One common mistake everyone makes is that they believe what others say about them. What you think about yourselves is more important, so never considered yourselves inferior.
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