What is 3D-Printing and How Does it Work?

What is 3D-Printing and How Does it Work?

3D-printing is a revolutionary technology that has been gaining momentum over the years. It is an additive manufacturing process in which materials are added layer by layer to create a three-dimensional object. This technology has enabled manufacturers to create complex objects quickly and cost-effectively, making it one of the most popular technologies today. The 3D…

How to temporarily deactivate your Instagram Account?

How to temporarily deactivate your Instagram Account?

When you temporarily deactivate your account, your profile, its Photos, Videos, and Likes everything will be hidden till you reactivate it again. An account can be deactivated once a week only, which means that if you deactivate your account, you can’t do it again before a week. Temporarily deactivate your Instagram Account with your Instagram…