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Understanding others made easy in 5 simple ways

Understanding others is not a simple thing. No matter how well you communicate and know them, you still may not understand each other. Knowing others is difficult, even after the effort you may not know them. This will affect you too. If understanding others is difficult for you and if you need help. You can read our blog, it might help you to some extent.

Communication should not be mistaken to understand, though they might look the same. To understand people, we need communication, but that is not all. It is not limited to language because sometimes they don’t help. Things like empathy, and feelings make understanding others easier. Not to forget, body language is one of the best tools to understand people as it is more appealing than words.

Understanding others
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Things we Fail to understand about others

1. They don’t hate you

If they don’t talk to you, it is not they hate you. They might have their own issues and be busy sorting them. Sometimes you focused more on problems than life. The worries of like make you harsh and rude. So give them some time, and they will get to you.

2. They hide their feelings

People hide their true feelings. They don’t want others to judge them or name them weak. If they are rude to you, give them some time to know you. If they hesitate in talking to you, you make the first move. Don’t consider them rude, they might have a bad day. Or held up with something.

3. They are Selfish Sometimes

People are selfish and there is no harm in it. For me, thinking and living on your own is not a crime. You can be both selfish and kind at the same time. Thinking about oneself is not bad until it harms anyone or society.

4. Lack of good memory

People forget things, including names. You can’t judge them on this. That person might not remember your name, but despite that, they may remember you as a person. People are forgetful by nature, so you don’t have to be rude about it.

5. They are lonely

They will never say, but they are lonely. They need someone to talk to, someone to share their concern and issues. Loneliness results in anger and destruction.

6. It takes time

You can’t decide on someone’s character in a day. You got to spend adequate time with them. Judging someone on the first day or the first date is not good. Stop thinking and start talking to know them better. The more you talk to them, the better you will know them.

7. Don’t think too much

Don’t think only, talk as well. You can’t know a person until you spent time with them. There are few who think only and make wrong assumptions about others. Who knows, whether your assumptions are right or wrong.

8. Listen to them

If you do all the talking, then when are you going to listen. For knowing others, you need to listen to them. Listen to them with your ear and heart open.

9. Think twice before acting

Don’t believe what you see and hear. When you act without thinking, you are likely to get things wrong. Don’t let others decide for you. Also, before concluding, think from all perspectives.


Understanding people and their feelings is not difficult. You need to give them some time. Follow to know more about personality development.

RELATED- How to forgive others

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